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NOTICE: This site is for use by individuals in the United States only. We do not sell or ship any products outside the USA. You may not export or carry out of the US, optics or sighting devices purchased here without following ITAR regulations and completing the proper licensing and / or government approval. You are responsible for knowing and complying with all US law regulating said sighting devices / optics. | Proposition 65 Warning
CONTACT INFORMATIONPlease use this message link to contact us, or you may email us directly by removing all the red *REMOVE* text including the two asterisks * from this email address: sales@*REMOVE*longrangesupply.com Phone for calls or texts 385-200-1950 | LONG RANGE SUPPLY is now the now the sole authorized distributor for all new March dealer accounts in the USA. If you would like to become a March Dealer, please call 385-200-1950 - send an email or Click Here to contact us through the website, for more details. |